This is the Authentic New Orleans Bananas Foster right here.  This will transform you to a dark room with jazz playing in the background and the sweet smell of New Orleans all around you!

This is one of the very first recipes I learned as an up and coming Chef and after making thousands of them over the years, I will truly say it is amongst my favorites.  Very easy and quick to make, it will become one of your go to recipes for making an exciting and memorable experience for all your guests!


  • 1/4 Cup Butter
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 Tsp Gunpowder Original Cinnamon
  • 1/4 Cup Banana Liqueur
  • 1/4 Cup Dark Rum
  • 4 Bananas, Peeled, Cut Lengthwise, then Halved
  • 4 Scoops Butter Pecan Ice Cream

This will go fairly quick and please use caution when using the alcohol near an open flame or hot skillet.  Okay so now we know to be safe, or maybe it's in the back of our minds.  If not, oh well, I did my part.

So first what you want to do is put the butter, sugar, and cinnamon in a skillet or saute pan over low heat stirring until the sugar is dissolved.  Stir in the Banana Liqueur and the Bananas and cook until the Bananas are soft and brown.

Now the fun part!  Slowly add the Dark Rum and cook until the rum is heated, now you can light that sucker up by tilting the pan to n open flame or using a long match.  This will burn the alcohol off the Rum so you don't get a bitter taste.  Once the flames subside, you put some Bananas in a dish, add a scoop of Butter Pecan Ice Cream and pour that sauce all over it! 

Then dig in!  Damn that's good ain't it?

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